- Docente: Riccardo Gualdo
- Docente: stefano pezze
- Docente: Valentina Piunno
- Docente: Stefano Telve
- Docente: stefano pezze
- Docente: Valentina Piunno
- Docente: Stefano Telve
The cooperation on migration governance between the European Union (EU) and its neighbourhood can only be accurately evaluated in light of the tensions between states’ obligations to comply with internationally recognized standards on the protection of human rights, on the one hand, and their attempt to control migration and borders through legal means and policy provisions, on the other. Against this background, the course will identify various frictions or points of contention, especially with reference to:
- The sharing of competences between supranationalism and intergovernmentalism, especially since the entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam. Cooperation on deportation is emblematic of such tensions;
- The contingencies and priorities of the actors involved, be they state or non-state actors, having implications for their perceptions, subjectivities and, last but not least, definitions;
- The highly diverse policy, legal and geostrategic factors shaping the cooperation on migration governance with the “neighbours”.
This course examines current policies within the broader context of deterrence and externalisation, considering the way in which international law (in its ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ forms) acts as a tool for both enabling and resisting such policies. In so doing, part of the course examines relevant developments and substantive case law to understand the implications of current EU migration policies for procedural safeguards and human protection. Finally, the course calls for a broader reflection on the hyper visibility of the cooperation on migration governance by showing that its implications for human rights observance are inseparable from the ways in which state-citizen relationships have been altered over the last decades.
In sum, beyond recurrent calls for “effective” cooperation, this course gives students the necessary tools to go through the looking-glass of the drive for migration governance in the EU’s external relations.
- Docente: Jean Pierre Cassarino
- Docente: Mario Savino

Laboratorio di scrittura "LISA!2021/22 - II modulo"
- Docente: diego femia
Avvio alla scrittura accademica
- Docente: laura clemenzi