Giuseppina GIANFREDA

Giuseppina GIANFREDA

Professore Associato - DISUCOM


Telefono: 0761357790


Current Position : University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy - Associate Professor of Economic Policy

Past Positions:

(1997-2006): Italian Competition Authority, Rome, Italy – Case Handler (“funzionario”). Divisions: Communications, Financial Markets, Misleading Advertising

(2016-2021): Luiss Guido Carli, Rome, Italy – Contract Professor, Microeconomics

(2014-2105): Serbian Commission for the Protection of Competition - Senior Economic Expert, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia

Recent Publications

• “Small firms’ acquisitions, merger control and digital markets: the Meta/Kustomer case” (with L. Scorciarini Coppola), in SMEs in the Digital Era: Opportunities and Challenges of the Digital Single Market, Emanuela Carbonara and Maria Rita Tagliaventi eds., Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, Glos, UK, forthcoming

• “The Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on Labor Productivity: Do Constitutions Matter?” (with Emanuela Carbonara, Enrico Santarelli and Giovanna Vallanti), Industrial and Corporate Change, 30 (4): 884-904, 2021, doi:

• “Informality, regulation and productivity: do small firms escape EPL through shadow employment?” (with Giovanna Vallanti), Small Business Economics, 2020, ISSN: 0921-898X,

• “Labour Courts and Firing Costs: The Labour Market Effects of Trial Delays”, (with Giovanna Vallanti), Industrial Relations, 59: 40-84, 2020, ISSN: 1468-232X, doi: 10.1111/irel.12250

• “Labour Courts and Firing Costs in Italy: The Labour Market Gender Effects of Trial Delays” (with Giovanna Vallanti), Economia Italiana, 3:99-138, 2019, ISSN: 0392-775X

• “Institutions and firms' adjustments: measuring the impact of courts' delays on job flows and productivity” (with G. Vallanti), Journal of Law and Economics, 60: 136-172, 2017;

• “Lavoro sommerso, costi di licenziamento e produttività d’impresa” (with G. Vallanti), Diritto Mercato Tecnologia, vol. 1 aprile 2017;

• Vertical Integration”, Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, in A. Marciano and G.B. Ramello (eds.), Springer, New York, 2017;

• “Free Banking”, Minerva Bancaria, nov. dic. 2016;

• “Adverse Clearings in a Monetary System with Multiple Notes Issuers: the Case of Italy (1861-1893)" (with Fabrizio Mattesini), Cliometrica, vol. 9, No. 1, 2015;

• “Market Access, Organic Farming and Productivity: the Effects of Fair Trade Affiliation on Thai Farmer Producer Groups” (with L. Becchetti and P. Conzo), Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ISSN: 1364-985X), volume 56, issue 1, 2012;

• “Human resource management and productivity in the "Trust Game Corporation" (with L. Becchetti and N. Pace), International Review of Economics (ISSN: 1865-1704), volume 59, Number 1, March 2012;


• Institutions Monétaires et Stabilité de la Monnaie, Rubbettino, 2005;
• Pubblicità e Teorie Economiche, Rubbettino, 1995

Insegnamenti erogati

A.A. 2023/2024
Scegli un altro anno accademico di erogazione 


119583 - Economia e mercati digitali (Primo semestre)

119727 - ECONOMIA DELLA CULTURA (Primo semestre)