Gian Maria DI NOCERA

Gian Maria DI NOCERA

Professore Associato - DISUCOM


Telefono: 0761357187


Il professor Di Nocera riceverà gli studenti in presenza il giorno mercoledì dalle 15:30 alle 17:00, presso la sede di Riello, Blocco F, 2° piano, Studio 10, per appuntamento, oppure sempre con appuntamento preventivo a distanza tramite piattaforma zoom.



Academic qualification
-Full-time Associate Professor, Chair of Prehistory and Protohistory at University of Tuscia, Department of Humanities, Communication and Tourism.
-Habilitation to Full Professor (february 2014)

Additional data
- Head of University degree course “Cultural Heritage Studies”
- Director of the scientific journal “Daidalos. Studi e ricerche di archeologia e antichità” (ISSN 1721-6721)
- Director of “Fondarca Project” - Università della Tuscia – Viterbo
- Member of the Board of Professors of the PhD in “History and Cultural Heritage Sciences.”
- Member of the “University Research Board”, Università della Tuscia – Viterbo.
- Member of “Italian Archaeological Expedition in Eastern Anatolia” – “La Sapienza” University of Rome.
- Member of the Technical and Scientific Board for the “Recognition and Promotion of regional eco-museums” – Lazio Region (December 22nd, 2017).
- Member of the board of the “Council of Prehistory and Protohistory in Italian universities”.
- Member of the scientific board of the monographic series “Studi di Preistoria Orientale” – “La Sapienza” University of Rome.
- Member of the scientific board of the journal: “Analysis Archaeologica. An International Journal of Western Mediterranean Archaeology” (ISSN 2421-6380).
- Member of the scientific board of the monographic series: “Archeologia Città Territorio” – Davide Ghaleb Publisher

Born in Rome in 1961. Graduated cum laude in 1988 in Prehistory and Protohistory of the Near and Middle East at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” with a thesis concerning the Late Uruk and Protoelamic period in southwestern Iran (end IV - beginning III millennium B.C).

He obtains a fellowship at the Insitut für Ur-und Frühgeschichte of the Heidelberg University in 1991, where he works until 1995 and in 1996 he defends his Doktortitel with Honours (magna cum laude) in Prehistory and Protohistory at the Fakultät für Orientalistik und Altertumswissenschaft, of the Heidelberg University. His doctoral thesis, published in German in 1998, titled “Die Siedlung der Mittelbronzezeit von Arslantepe”, focuses on the development of societies at the beginning of the II millennium B.C. in the Upper Euphrates and Eastern Anatolian regions, with special attention to the site of Arslantepe (Eastern Turkey).

In 2001 he obtains the Humboldt Research Fellowship at the University of Heidelberg, with a project on the phases of occupation of the first half of the II millennium B.C. in the site of Norsuntepe on the Upper Euphrates (Elazig- Turkey), one of the most important prehistoric mounds excavated by the German archaeological expedition in Turkey.

From 1989 he is permanent member of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Eastern Anatolia and regularly takes part in the research activity at Arslantepe-Malatya, one of the “Grandi Scavi d’Ateneo” (one of the main archaeological projects) of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.

Between 1996 and 2002 he carries out research on the origins of metallurgy in the Ancient Near East with funding from the Volkswagen-Foundation, in collaboration with the Bergbau Museum in Bochum and the “Istituto per le Tecnologie Applicate ai Beni Culturali” of the Italian CNR (Rome). His interest is focussed on the understanding of the role of metallurgy within the different phases of cultural development in prehistoric societies. He is co-author of various contributions on the first metallurgic productions.

Since 1998 he is concerned with chronology and in particular the use of radiocarbon dating in archaeology, and cooperates with the C14 laboratory of Geophysic at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. He is currently member of the ARCANE ( Associated Regional Chronologies for the Ancient Near East and Eastern Mediterranean) project, a European Science Foundation funded project. His contribution within the project concerns the chronology of the III millenium B.C. of Eastern Anatolia.

From 1999 to 2003 he is co-director of research at Zeytinli Bahçe Höyük (Urfa-Turkey), a rescue excavation within the TAÇ DAM Project. In 1999, within an interest in landscape archaeology, he coordinates the archaeological survey at Zeytinli Bahçe.

From 2003 he was contract professor at the Faculty of “Scienze Umanistiche” and the Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche, Archeologiche, Antropologiche dell’Antichità” of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (“programma sul rientro dei cervelli” - ministerial program for the return of Italian scientists working abroad). From 2003 to 2007, within this role, he directs the archaeological mission in Turkey for the: “Study of characters and development of settlement systems in the Upper Euphrates regions between V and II millennium B.C.”. This research has been internationally appreciated and positively apprised by the Italian diplomatic authorities in Turkey for its excellent cooperation with local bodies towards the protection of archaeological heritage. It has allowed the establishment of innovative methods for the identification of archaeological sites and the interpretation of the ancient settlement system, through an integration of archaeological categories and environmental variables.
From 2009 he is “Associated Investigator of the Research Unit Program”-PRIN 2008, he directs the research titled: Interdisciplinary study on both use and storage of food through the various phases of centralization.

His teaching experience begins between 1991 and 1995 at the Institut für Ur-und Frühgeschichte of the Heidelberg University, where he holds seminars on research methodology for pre- and protohistory.
During 2003-2006 he has held MA (“laurea magistrale”) courses in “Prehistory and Protohistory of the Near and Middle East” at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, concerned with regional and methodological issues. From 2004 to 2007 he was appointed professor in “Prehistory of the Near and Middle East” at the First Specialization School in Archaeology (Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia I) and in “Euro-Asiatic Prehistory” at the Second Specialization School in Archaeology (oriental profile). He has been tutor and co-tutor of numerous graduation theses at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and the Tuscia University. Since the 1st of January 2008 he is associate professor and teaches “European Pre- and Protohistory” and “Paletnologia” at the Department of Humanities, Communication and Tourism of Tuscia University in Viterbo.

From 2010 he is director of excavation at Vallone (Valentano-VT, Italy), a Middle Bronze Age settlement and from 2013 to 2020 he directs the “Fondarca project”, the excavation of Grotta delle Nottole/Fondarca (Cagli-Pesaro/Urbino, Italy), a Bronze Age cult cave.
From 2012 to 2020 he is coordinator of bachelor's degree in "Cultural Heritage Studies" (laurea triennale in Scienze dei Beni Culturali).
He is member of “EMAP”-European Music Archaeology Project funded by the European Union.

In september 2012 he received the honorary Eski Malatya (Battalgazi-Turkey) citizenship for archaeological activity.

Scientific curator of exhibition
Scientific cooperation at the organisation of the exhibition:
“Anatolia. Arslantepe, alle origini del potere (Anatolia. Arslantepe at the Origin of Power)” (Mercati di Traiano – Rome, 14th October 2004 – 9th January 2005).

Ministery of Cultural Heritage
From 1983 to 2000 he has collaborated with various agencies, carrying out excavations and archaeological surveys in central and southern Italy and documenting archaeological finds.

Some Conferences
-Heidelberg University – Germany (June 2001):
“Die Mittelbronzezeit am oberen Euphrat” (The Middle Bronze Age in the Upper Euphrates)

-Regensburg University – Germany (15-2-2001):
“Die Mittelbronzezeit am oberen Euphrat. Untersuchung zur wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Beziehungen in Mittel-und Ostanatolien zu Beginn des 2. Jahrtausends v.Ch.: eine archäologische Perspektive” (The Middle Bronze Age in the Upper Euphrates. Research on economic and cultural occupation in Central and Eastern Anatolia at the beginning of the II millennium BC: an archaeological perspective).

-Tuscia University – Viterbo (1-12-2004):
“Dalla stratigrafia alla storia: quarant’ anni di scavi archeologici ad Arslantepe –Turchia (From stratigraphy to history: forty years of excavations at Arslantepe – Turkey)”

-University of Venice – (10-5-2007):
“Survey archeologica nella provincia di Malatya-Turchia (2003-2006) (Archaeological Survey in the Malatya province – Turkey)”

-Catholic University of Sacro Cuore - Milan – (18-6-2007):
“Strategie di ricerca e modelli d’insediamento tra V e II millennio a.C. nell’alta valle dell’Eufrate (Research Strategies and settlement models between V and II millennium BC in the Upper Euphrates valley)”

-Museo del Mare e della Navigazione Antica - Santa Marinella - Rome (11-7-2008):
“Lungo le rive dell’Eufrate: Villaggi e popolazioni preistoriche dell’altopiano anatolico (Along the banks of the Euphrates: Prehistoric Villages and Populations of the Anatolian Highland)”

-Museo Nazionale Romano- Roma (14-12-2011):
“The Origin of Metallurgy: between Neareast and Europe”.

-Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia (9-1-2013):
“Die Mittelbronzezeit am oberen Euphrat: Siedlungscharakter und kulturelle Identität

-Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università di Roma Tre, (12-2-2015):
“La Grotta di Fondarca (Pesaro/Urbino): riflessioni sull'uso cultuale delle cavità naturali nell'età del Bronzo dell'Italia centrale”

-Deutsches Archäologisches Institut-Berlin, im Topoi-Haus, Berlin-Dahlem (3-5-2015): „Machtlandschaften am oberen Euphrat vom 4. bis Anfang des 2. Jahrtausends v. Chr.“

-Inönü University, Malatya-Turkey (5 October 2018): “Settlement patterns in the Malatya plain and metallurgical developments at Arslantepe: The role of surrounding communities”.
Pubblicazioni selezionate: 20

Publications (1990-2020)

Di Nocera G.M. (2020). Machtlandschaften am oberen Euphrat vom 4. bis Anfang des 2. Jahrtausends v. Chr.. In: (a cura di): Svend Hansen, Repräsentationen der Macht. Kolloquien zur Vor-und Frühgeschichte. vol. 25, p. 135-145, WIESBADEN:Harrassowitz Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-447-11346-5, Berlin-Dahlem, im Topoi-Haus, 2.-3. Juni 2015

Di Nocera G.M. (2020). Middle Bronze Age Metals in the Upper Euphrates. In: (a cura di): H. Gönül Yalçin, Oliver Stegemeier, Metallurgica Anatolica Festschrift für Ünsal Yalçin anlässlich seines 65. Geburtstags. p. 131-137, Istanbul:Ege Yayinlari , ISBN: 978-605-7673-32-9

Di Nocera G.M. (2019). La metallurgia nella preistoria del Vicino Oriente. Dalle origini alle prime società complesse: il caso dell’Anatolia orientale. DAIDALOS, vol. 17, p. 67-80, ISSN: 1721-6761

Di Nocera G.M. (2019). Settlement Patterns in the Malatya Plain and Metallurgical Developments at Arslantepe: The Role of Surrounding Communities . In: (a cura di): Neslihan Durak, Marcella Frangipane , Arslantepe. I. Uluslararasi Arslantepe Arkeoloji Sempozyumu / I. International Arslantepe Archaeology Symposium. vol. 1, p. 269-284, Malatya:Inönü University Press, ISBN: 978-605-7853-28-8, Malatya - Turkey, 4-6 October 2018

Frangipane M., Balossi Restelli F., Di Nocera G.M., Erdal Y.S., Manuelli F., Mori L. (2019). Recent late Chalcolithic and Iron Age discoveries at Arslantepe: the 2017–2018 campaigns. In: (a cura di): S.R. Steadman, G. McMahon , Archaeology of Anatolia. Recent discoveries (2017-2018). vol. III, p. 15-32, CAMBRIDGE:CAMBRIDGE SCHOLARS PUBLISHING, ISBN: 978-1-5275-4236-5

Vignola C., Marzaioli F., Balossi Restelli F., Di Nocera G.M., Frangipane M., Masi A., Passariello I., Sadori L., Terrasi F. (2019). Changes in the Near Eastern chronology between the 5th and the 3rd millennium BC: New AMS 14C dates from Arslantepe (Turkey). NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION B, BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, p. 1-7, ISSN: 0168-583X, doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2019.01.033

Di Nocera G.M. (2018). Arslantepe: eine Zentralsiedlung am oberen Euphrat und ihre Prestigegüter. In: (a cura di): Ünsal Yalçin , Anatolian Metal VIII Eliten–Handwerk–Prestigegüter. p. 57-68, Rahden/Westf.:Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH, ISBN: 978-3-86757-031-2

Di Nocera G.M. (2016). Identificazione, uso e conservazione dei cibi nell’età del Bronzo Antico di Arslantepe (Turchia): modello di ricerca interdisciplinare e sperimentale. RIVISTA DI STORIA DELL'AGRICOLTURA, vol. 56, p. 253-264, ISSN: 0557-1359

Di Nocera G.M. (2013). Organization of Production and Social Role of Metallurgy in the Prehistoric Sequence of Arslantepe (Turkey). ORIGINI, vol. 35, p. 111-142, ISSN: 0474-6805

DI NOCERA G.M., FRANGIPANE M (2012). Discontinuous developments in settlement patterns and socio-economic/political relations in the Malatya plain in the 4th and 3rd millennia BC. In: (a cura di): Feran Borell Tena, Mònica Bouso Garcìa, Anna Gomez Bach, Broadening Horizons 3. Conference of Young Researchers Working in Ancient Near East. p. 289-303, BARCELLONA:Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, ISBN: 978-84-490-2886-1, Barcellona, 19-21 July 2010

DI NOCERA G.M. (2011). Il potere del metallo. Itinerari di ricerca archeometallurgica nell'ambito delle prime società complesse. In: (a cura di): De Minicis C., Pavolini C., Risorse naturali e attività produttive: Ferento a confronto con altre realtà. DAIDALOS, vol. 12, p. 35-49, VITERBO:Università della Tuscia, ISBN: 978-88-97516-02-6, ISSN: 1721-6761, Viterbo

DI NOCERA G.M. (2010). Metals and Metallurgy. Their Place in the Arslantepe Society between the end of the 4th and Biginning 3rd Millennium BC. In: (a cura di): Frangipane M., Economic Centralisation in Formatives States: The Archaeological Recontruction of the Economic System in 4th Millennium Arslantepe. vol. 3, p. 255-274, Roma:"Sapienza" Università di Roma, ISBN: 978-88-904240-1-4

DI NOCERA G.M. (2009). Il cambiamento del sistema insediativo come testimonianza di trasformazione socioeconomica: il caso delle comunità preistoriche dell'alto Eufrate tra V ed inizio II millennio a.C. SCIENZE DELL'ANTICHITÀ, vol. 15, p. 111-123, ISSN: 1123-5713

DI NOCERA G.M. (2008). Settlements, population and landscape on the Upper Euphrates between V and II millennium BC. Results of the Archaeological Survey Project 2003-2005 in the Malatya Plain. In: (a cura di): Codoba J.M., Molist M., Pérez M.C., Rubio I., Martìnez S., 5th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. vol. 1, p. 633-645, MADRID:UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID, ISBN: 978-84-8344-141-1, Madrid, April 3-8 2006

FRANGIPANE M, DI NOCERA G.M., PALUMBI G (2005). L’interazione tra due universi socio-culturali nella piana di Malatya (Turchia) tra IV e III millennio: dati archeologici e riconoscimento di identità. ORIGINI, vol. 27, p. 123-170, ISSN: 0474-6805

DI NOCERA G.M., HAUPTMANN A, PALMIERI A.M (2004). Lo sviluppo della metallurgia al servizio dei capi. Le prime spade del mondo. In: (a cura di): FRANGIPANE M., Alle origini del potere. Arslantepe, la collina dei leoni. p. 66-67, MILANO:Electa, Mondadori-Electa spa, ISBN: 88-370-2800-8

DI NOCERA G.M., PALMIERI A.M (2004). Early Bronze Copper Circulation and Technology in Middle Euphrates Regions. In: Nomades et Sédentaires dans le Proche-Orient Ancien. Paris, 10-13 July 2000, p. 253-265, PARIS:Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations, Nicolle, ISBN: 2865382915

FRANGIPANE M, DI NOCERA G.M., HAUPTMANN A, MORBIDELLI P, PALMIERI A, SADORI L, SCHULTZ M, SCHMIDT-SCHULTZ T (2001). New Symbols of New Power in A „Royal“ Tomb from 3000 BC Arslantepe, Malatya (Turkey). PALÉORIENT, vol. 27-2, p. 105-139, ISSN: 0153-9345

DI NOCERA G.M. (2000). Radiocarbon datings from Arslantepe and Norsuntepe: the fourth-third millennium absolute chronology in the upper Euphrates and transcaucasian region. In: MARRO C., HAUPTMANN H.EDS.. From the Euphrates to the Caucasus: Chronologies for the IVth.-IIIrd. Millennium B.C. p. 73-93, PARIS:de Boccard, ISBN: 2-906053-53-8

DI NOCERA G.M., PALMIERI A.M (1999). The metal objects from the royal tomb at Arslantepe (Malatya - Turkey) and the metalwork development in the Early Bronze Age. In: Landscape, territories, frontiers and horizons in the Ancient Near East, L. Milano, S. De Martino, F.M. Fales, G.B. Lanfranchi (eds.). Venice, 7-11 July 1997, vol. 3, p. 179-190, Padova:SARGON

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