DISUCOM - Scienze dell'educazione

Docente: Alba GRAZIANO

Lezioni registrate
Data Inizio Fine Sintesi della lezione Luogo
04/03/2024 10:00 13:00 Introduction to the course: objectives, programme, books, internal organization, Moodle platform, exams. Ice-breaking activities on mentimeter. Why learning English through Nursery Rhymes (1). Santa Maria in Gradi Blocco F1 Aula 1
05/03/2024 15:00 17:00 Icebreaking activity: Let's get to know each other.Learning styles. A few fundamental issues about English: intonation, question/answer syntax, -ing meaning. Standards/varieties/lingua franca. Santa Maria in Gradi Blocco F1 Aula 2
11/03/2024 10:00 13:00 Learning NRs through listening, reciting, acting and researching about them. Research on Mary Mary quite contrary, Row row your boat, Hickory Dickory Dock in the discussion forum; learning These little piggies, Head shoulders knees and toes, One finger one thumb by heart. Santa Maria in Gradi Blocco F1 Aula 1
12/03/2024 15:00 17:00 Vocabulary of the parts of the body; body idioms; describing physical qualities. Santa Maria in Gradi Blocco F1 Aula 2
18/03/2024 10:00 13:00 Il suono vocalico in "more" e "most". Placement test. Lessico e espressioni per la situazione "dal dottore". Nursery Rhymes: An apple a day e Miss Polly. Santa Maria in Gradi Blocco F1 Aula 1
19/03/2024 15:00 17:00 Colours, nuances, Nursery Rhymes on the rainbow, colour idioms. Cerca rime e parole monosillabiche per trasformare Baa-baa Black Sheep. Santa Maria in Gradi Blocco F1 Aula 2
25/03/2024 10:00 13:00 How to use the glossary tool on moodle. Blue Monday. Nursery Rhymes on everyday habits.Time vocabulary. Present tense and base form of the verb. Prepositions of time. Santa Maria in Gradi Blocco F1 Aula 1
26/03/2024 15:00 17:00 Meals, recipes and eating habits. Clothes vocabulary. Homework for revision week. Santa Maria in Gradi Blocco F1 Aula 2
08/04/2024 10:00 13:00 Outdoor activities: describing cultural stereotypes. Applicazione del clothes vocabulary e della fraseologia di descrizione fisica. Ordine degli aggettivi con esercizi. Santa Maria in Gradi Blocco F1 Aula 1
09/04/2024 15:00 17:00 Weather vocabulary and expressions. Listening comprehension. Revisione degli usi di present continuous per descrizione e azioni temporanee vs. present tense per abitudini e asserzioni metastoriche. Homework: housing types. Santa Maria in Gradi Blocco F1 Aula 2
15/04/2024 10:00 13:00 Houses, furniture, pets, toys and musical instruments. Vocabulary, prepositions of place, NRs and pronunciation of the endings to the plural. Listening comprehension practice on dangerous toys. Santa Maria in Gradi Blocco F1 Aula 1
16/04/2024 15:00 17:00 Unfinished and duration actions: "how long?" Comparazione teorica e pratica tra le quattro forme verbali del presente. Comparazione tra la morfologia del verbo inglese e italiano. Santa Maria in Gradi Blocco F1 Aula 2
22/04/2024 10:00 13:00 Going shopping: lessico di base. Shopping for food: il concetto di massa; countable/uncountable nouns; how to quantify undefined mass nouns; the morphology before and after the nouns. Santa Maria in Gradi Blocco F1 Aula 1
23/04/2024 15:00 17:00 Shopping for clothes: US/UK, European sizes; UK/US money. NRs on the sixpence. Santa Maria in Gradi Blocco F1 Aula 2
29/04/2024 10:00 13:00 Feelings, emotions, states of mind, permanent qualities. Aggettivi organizzati per word formation e per significato. Santa Maria in Gradi Blocco F1 Aula 1
30/04/2024 15:00 17:00 Parentage vocabulary. Riflessione sull'uso delle forme verbali inglesi. Lullabies. Santa Maria in Gradi Blocco F1 Aula 2

Prossime lezioni previste
Data Inizio Fine Luogo
13/05/2024 10:00 13:00 Santa Maria in Gradi Blocco F1 Aula 1
14/05/2024 15:00 17:00 Santa Maria in Gradi Blocco F1 Aula 2
20/05/2024 10:00 13:00 Santa Maria in Gradi Blocco F1 Aula 1
21/05/2024 15:00 17:00 Santa Maria in Gradi Blocco F1 Aula 2
27/05/2024 10:00 13:00 Santa Maria in Gradi Blocco F1 Aula 1
28/05/2024 15:00 17:00 Santa Maria in Gradi Blocco F1 Aula 2