EN     IT

119692 - Gestione faunistica

DAFNE - Gestione sostenibile delle foreste e del verde urbano

Course held in a.y.


Course objectives

The objective of the course is to transmit adequate knowledge on the fundamental aspects of fauna management in natural, semi-natural, and man-made environments, with insights into the biology, ecology and ethology of some species of interest, on the techniques for recognizing, evaluating and mitigating impacts of anthropic activities on fauna and vice versa, as well as on international and national regulations. The main knowledge acquired (to know) by the students will concern: 1. the concepts of ecology applied to wildlife management; 2. the protection of wildlife biodiversity, with reference to autochthonous, para-autochthonous, and allochthonous species; 3. the biology, ecology and ethology of some faunal species of interest, both protected and unprotected; 4. the main recognition techniques in nature; 5. the regulations governing the protection and collection of fauna; 6. the relationships established between fauna, natural habitats, and anthropic systems. The main know-how capabilities (skills) will concern: 1. drafting management plans and programs for protected and unprotected species; 2. the evaluation of the impacts of anthropic activities on the fauna and vice versa; 3. the design of impact mitigation measures. The main behaviors activated include (knowing how to be): 1. the ability to take into due consideration the importance of faunal balance with a view to maintaining the integrity of ecosystems and safeguarding biodiversity; 2. being aware of the impacts that human activities can have on the fauna but also of those that the fauna can cause to human activities (e.g. agriculture, breeding, forestry, road traffic, etc.); 3. knowing how to deal with issues concerning wildlife management with a technical-scientific approach.




o Rapporti Direttive Natura (2013-2018). Sintesi dello stato di conservazione delle specie e degli habitat di interesse comunitario e delle azioni di contrasto alle specie esotiche di rilevanza unionale in Italia. ISPRA, Serie Rapporti 349/2021. A cura di Ercole S., Angelini P., Carnevali L., Casella L., Giacanelli V., Grignetti A., La Mesa G., Nardelli R., Serra L., Stoch F., Tunesi L., Genovesi P. (ed.), 2021.
o Manuale di gestione faunistica del territorio. A cura di Federico Morimando e Angelo Tassoni. Reda Ed.

Other documents provided by the teacher.

Course syllabus

Frontal lessons
Wildlife in sector legislation (law on protected areas, law for the protection of warm-blooded fauna and for hunting, conservation measures relating to SACs and SPAs, law transposing the AEWA agreement, regional laws), management and administration of terrestrial fauna (wildlife-hunting plan, hunting calendar, faunal control plans and interconnections with the VIncA and VAS environmental assessment procedures, interventions for the eradication of allochthonous/alien species).
Main threats to biodiversity. The Red Lists. The problem of problematic and alien invasive species. Effects of global climate change on fauna and ecosystems. Relations between biodiversity, functionality of ecological systems, ecosystem goods and services with particular reference to the interactions, positive or negative, between wildlife, forest ecosystems and agro-ecosystems. Fundamentals of ecological restoration. Conflict management and participatory processes (human dimension).
Biology, evolution and eco-ethology of terrestrial vertebrates, insights into some species/faunal groups of management interest (ungulates, wolves, bears, galliformes, lagomorphs, some migratory species): use of resources and space, territoriality, choice of habitat , dispersal and migrations, reproductive and social systems, animal communication, interspecific interactions and associations.

Recognition of wild species and presence indices in nature

Texts and materials

o Linee guida per la gestione degli Ungulati. Cervidi e Bovidi. Ispra, Manuali e Linee Guida 91/2013
o Mammiferi d’Italia, 2002. A cura di Mario Spagnesi e Anna Maria De Marinis, Ministero dell’Ambiente e della tutela del territorio, Istituto Nazionale per la Fauna Selvatica. Quad. Cons. Natura 14.
o Manuale di gestione della fauna. A cura di Francesco Riga e Sandro Lovari. Greentime ed.
o Manuale di gestione della fauna urbana. Approccio alla biodiversità e all'ecologia in città. A cura di Stefano Ferretti e Giorgio Chiaranz. Il Piviere ed.
o Il Lagomorfi in Italia. Linee guida per la conservazione e gestione. A cura di Valter Trocchi e Francesco Riga, 2005. Ed. Min. Politiche Agricole e Forestali – Ist. Naz. Fauna Selvatica. Documenti Tecnici 25.
o Linee guida per la gestione del Cinghiale, 2003. A cura di Monaco A., Franzetti B., Pedrotti L. e Toso S., Ed. Min. Politiche Agricole e Forestali – Ist. Naz. Fauna Selvatica.

Instruction mode

Face-to-face lessons and field exercises.



Methods of assessment

Oral exam
Consistently with the modalities envisaged in the degree course "Sustainable management of forests and urban green areas L-25", in the evaluation of the profit (attribution of the final grade) which will be sustained in oral form, the level of theoretical knowledge of the of the student on the notions presented in class (superficial, appropriate, precise and complete, complete and in-depth), of the ability to analyze, synthesis and interdisciplinary connections (sufficient, good, excellent), of the ability to critical sense and formulate judgments (sufficient, good, excellent), mastery of expression (poor, simple, clear and correct, sure and correct exposition). In particular, the judgment and final grade will take into account the knowledge and concepts acquired, the ability to analyze problems, connect interdisciplinary knowledge, formulate hypotheses and judgments, mastery and clarity of expression, and exposition. Recognition of taxidermied species or from photos, estimation of the age class from cervid mandibles and antlers is foreseen. The final vote will be expressed out of thirty.

    Riccardo Primi

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