EN     IT

119390 - Substrati e Microbiologia

DAFNE - Produzione sementiera e vivaismo

Modulo di Substrati

Course held in a.y.


Course objectives

The course aims to provide basic knowledge for microbiology and the technical information on microbiological management of seed, soil and substrates. For each substrate will be reported microbiological characteristics. Beneficial microrganisms for biostimulation and biofertilization of the plants will be presented and considered in the production contest with special emphases with the need to avoid the occurrence of human pathogen risk.


No propaedeutics are required



Course syllabus

Definition of substrate. Organic, inorganic and synthetic substrates. Requirements that condition the choice of a substrate. Chemical and physical characteristics. Description of the most important substrates.

Texts and materials

Le dispense del Corso
'Colture fuori suolo. Idroponica e coltivazione in substrato' Edagricole. Incrocci, Malorgio, Massa.
‘Florovivaismo: principi e tecniche’ Edagricole. Scariot, De Pascale, Ferrante, Romano.

Instruction mode

the course is taught both in person and via streaming, with the value of the course being closely linked to the exercises and the opportunity to carry out practical experiences


Although frequency is optional, it is suggested that you attend the tours and practices.

Methods of assessment

Oral test. The questions are intended to ascertain the theoretical and practical knowledge shared during the classes.
The final evaluation will consider the knowledge acquired, the ability to connect the topics, and the quality of the exposition. The total lack of knowledge of a topic does not allow to pass the sufficiency threshold.

    Mariateresa Cardarelli

On line resources