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119373 - Tecnologie per l’allevamento

DAFNE - Tecnologie per la gestione sostenibile dei sistemi zootecnici

Course held in a.y.



The course does not include any skills. However, the preparatory acquisition of the notions of the physiology of farmed animals, forage cultivation, machinery and systems for livestock farming, as well as preparatory subjects such as chemistry, physics, mathematics, statistics, and information technology, is plausible.


Tecniche di produzione animale. Nuova edizione. A cura di Giovanni Bittante, Igino Andrighetto, Maurizio Ramanzin. Liviana ed.
Allevamento animale e sostenibilità ambientale. I principi (Vol. 1). A cura di Bruno Stefanon, Marcello Mele, Giuseppe Pulina. FrancoAngeli ed.
Allevamento animale e sostenibilità ambientale. Vol. 2: Le tecnologie. A cura di Bruno Stefanon, Marcello Mele, Giuseppe Pulina. FrancoAngeli ed.
Other bibliography provided by the teacher

Course syllabus

Frontal lessons
LIVESTOCK GLOSSARY AND GENERALITIES. The main zootechnical terminology. The productive and reproductive cycles in farms. Types and organization of livestock farms.
METHODS OF ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION OF LIVESTOCK SYSTEMS. General classification and types of livestock systems, components of the main ones and their interactions.
PROGRAMMING PRINCIPLES OF LIVESTOCK COMPANIES. Management of farms according to production guidelines, genetic types bred and relationships with the territory.
Dairy cattle: dairy cattle breeds, milk production. Neonatal care. Natural and artificial breastfeeding. Comeback farming. Reproductive characteristics and stages. reproductive techniques. The measure of reproductive efficiency. Dairy farm management software.
Beef cattle: main breeds, meat production in bovine species, growth curves, production quality.
Sheep: main breeds bred, milk, meat and wool production in sheep species, growth curves and milk production, production quality.
Goats: main breeds reared, milk, meat and hair production in goat species, growth curves and milk production, production quality.
Pig farming: overview of the pig industry, the main characteristics and relevance of the local, national and international pig farming sector, current trends and descriptive statistics of pig production, description of the main pig breeds used in the various breeding systems, basic concepts and applications for the management of farrowing and suckling, description of the main functional strategies for improving efficiency during the suckling period of piglets, information on the management of weaning, growth and finishing of pigs, description of pre- and post factors -slaughter that influence the quality of pork and an overview of its main characteristics
Poultry: production statistics and organization of the national and international poultry sector, outline of genetics and selection, embryonic development and artificial incubation, management of reproducers: natural breeding and artificial insemination, breeding for meat production and product quality, breeding for the production of eggs for consumption and product quality
Equine breeding: equine evolution and consistency, management of the mare, stallion and foal, equine identification, training methods, prevention of behavioral problems, equestrian disciplines, farriery
GOOD BREEDING PRACTICES OF ORGANIC LIVESTOCK FARMS. Reference legislation, choice and origin of animals, production, health management, market
PRECISION LIVESTOCK FARMING AND DIGITAL LIVESTOCK MANAGEMENT. principles of use of technology in farms and main existing systems, technologies used in livestock farms, sound analysis, video analysis in farms, measurable parameters in farms, examples of PLF use in intensive farms.
Visits to farms

Texts and materials

Produzioni Animali, a cura di Anna Sandrucci ed Erminio Trevisi. Edises Università

Instruction mode

Face-to-face lessons and field exercises



Methods of assessment

Consistently with the methods envisaged in the professionalizing degree course L-P02, in the evaluation of the profit (attribution of the final grade), which will be sustained in separate written and oral form, the level of theoretical knowledge by the student on the concepts presented will be taken into account in class (superficial, appropriate, precise and complete, complete and in-depth), the ability to analyze, synthesize and interdisciplinary links (sufficient, good, excellent), the ability to critical sense and formulate judgments (sufficient, good, excellent), of the mastery of expression - in the case of oral (deficient, simple, clear and correct, safe and correct presentation. In particular, the judgment and the final grade will take into account the knowledge and concepts acquired, the ability to analyze the problems, to connect interdisciplinary knowledge, to formulate hypotheses and judgments, mastery and clarity of expression and exposition.
The assessment test will consist of a written and/or oral test and will contain a series of questions aimed at ascertaining the student's theoretical knowledge of the concepts presented in class. The student will have to demonstrate an understanding of the technologies used for breeding, with emphasis on those of precision and related to environmental sustainability.
In particular, the written test will be composed as follows:
- 23 closed-ended questions, with a score from 0 to 1 (0 for missing or wrong answer and 1 for correct answer);
- 2 open-ended questions, with a score from 0 to 2 on the basis of correctness, level of detail, analysis of the answer provided, and re-elaboration of the contents, where 0 indicates an incorrect or missing answer or without personal re-elaboration and 2 an excellently composed and articulated answer. The maximum score achievable is 4 points.
The written test will have a total duration of 60 minutes.
The results of the written test will be communicated to the student via e-mail; in case of refusal of the grade, they can book themselves for the supplementary oral exam.
The following can request the supplementary oral:
- students who have obtained a written score of 16 or 17 and want to achieve or pass the sufficiency;
- students who have obtained a score from 18 to 27 and want to improve their results.
The final vote will be expressed out of thirty.

    Riccardo Primi

On line resources