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120285 - Allevamento degli equidi, dei conigli, degli avicoli e della fauna selvatica

DAFNE - Tecnologie per la gestione sostenibile dei sistemi zootecnici

Course held in a.y.


Course objectives

The objectives of the course are to enable students to enhance their knowledge of technologies related to the breeding of species not covered in the core curriculum, such as equids, rabbits, poultry, and some species of wildlife. For each species of interest, the main breeding techniques and related productions will be described, with particular attention to intrinsic and extrinsic qualities. The key knowledge acquired by students will include: 1. The main systems and breeding techniques for equids, rabbits, poultry, and some species of wildlife based on production purposes. 2. Aspects of the quality of animal origin products related to breeding technologies. 3. Innovative technologies for sustainable animal productions. 4. The importance of breeding wildlife for reintroduction into nature. The main practical skills acquired will involve: 1. Being aware and managing different production systems and directions (meat, eggs, sports, reintroduction into nature) and the quality of the obtained productions. 2. Optimizing the management of the zootechnical farm to achieve quality products and minimize environmental impact. The main activated behaviors will include: 1. The ability to always consider the environmental impact of each type of breeding and the welfare of the animals raised. 2. Considering the risks to consumer health and animal welfare associated with breeding techniques. 3. Viewing breeding as a synthesis of various skills (botanical, agronomic, zootechnical, veterinary, economic, social, etc.).


The course does not require any prerequisites. However, it is plausible and beneficial for students to have acquired foundational knowledge in the physiology of the bred animals, forage cultivation, machinery and systems for zootechnical farms, as well as in preparatory subjects such as chemistry, physics, mathematics, statistics, and computer science.

Course syllabus

Frontal Lessons:
Poultry Farming: Productive statistics and organization of the national and international poultry sector, basics of genetics and selection, embryonic development and artificial incubation, main breeding systems, management of breeders including natural mating and artificial insemination, farming for meat production and product quality, farming for egg production and product quality, cosmopolitan and rustic breeds, biosecurity.
Horse Breeding: Current situation and prospects of horse breeding, statistics related to horse breeding (DPA and NDPA), introduction to equine sciences, main breeding systems, management of the mare, stallion, and foal, feeding techniques, handling and training of the horse, assessment of horse welfare on the farm, during transportation, in sports activities, and during slaughter.
Rabbit Farming: Productive statistics and organization of the national and international rabbit farming sector, basics of genetics and selection, main breeding systems, management of breeders, natural mating and artificial insemination, farming for meat production and product quality, cosmopolitan and rustic breeds.
Wildlife Farming: legislation regarding the breeding of wild animals,basics of biology and farming techniques for some farmable wildlife species (pheasant, partridge, hare, and wild boar), basics of conservation biology, infectious diseases and parasites of wildlife, biosecurity.

Practical Exercises:
Visits to farms, seminars, in-depth sessions with wildlife experts and veterinarians.

Texts and materials

 Class notes
 Material provided by the teacher.
 Some books may complement the class notes:
- Sandrucci A., Trevisi E. Produzioni Animali. Edises Edizioni, 2022, ISBN9788836230754
- Miraglia N., Bergero D., Gagliardi D. Cavallo atleta, Gestione e miglioramento delle prestazioni, Calderini Edagricole, 2000.

Instruction mode

Face-to-face lessons and in farm exercises


Attendance at classes is not mandatory.

Methods of assessment

Oral exam
Consistently with the procedures outlined in the professionalizing degree program L-P02, in assessing the achievement (assignment of the final grade), which will be conducted orally, consideration will be given to the level of theoretical knowledge demonstrated by the student regarding the concepts presented in class (superficial, appropriate, precise and comprehensive, comprehensive and thorough), the ability to analyze, synthesize, and make interdisciplinary connections (sufficient, good, excellent), the capacity for critical thinking and judgment formation (sufficient, good, excellent), and the mastery of expression (inadequate presentation, simple, clear and correct, confident and correct). Specifically, the evaluation and final grade will take into account the acquired knowledge and concepts, the ability to analyze problems, connect interdisciplinary knowledge, formulate hypotheses and judgments, and the mastery and clarity of expression and presentation. The final grade will be expressed on a scale of thirty.

    Riccardo Primi

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