Spazio creato il 30/04/2024 alle 11:06, collegato per la prima volta all\'insegnamento Scientific communication (riferimenti: DAFNE - erogazione 2023/2024, chiave:1975BEDC-F433-4994-B45B-175444C0AF53|120025|C63D31C9-A2E1-4C3E-9649-D247ED824DBB)

Welcome to the Course on Communication of Scientific Research (CSR) 2024. This is a 2 credits (16 hours) optional course which is provided on the II semester; it is addressed to Plant Biotech students (LM7) at the I year. Here you may find the teaching materials: the program with the characteristics, and the details of the course (date, room, and class schedule). I will include the slides of the lectures at the end of each class.